COPING UP WITH CLIMATE CHANGE: A Case Study of a Banten Muslim Community
Abstract: This article presents a case study of the impacts of climate change on a rural (Muslim) community in Balaraja, Banten province of Indonesia. The authors conducted fieldwork in 2024 with the Climate Change Response Farmers (Petani Tanggap Perubahan Iklim), a group of local rice farmers who face various challenges due to the changing weather patterns. The article describes the difficulties and uncertainties that the farmers encounter, such as droughts, floods, pests, crop failures, and fluctuating prices. The article also analyzes the coping strategies and adaptation measures that the farmers adopt, such as diversifying crops, using water-saving techniques, accessing information and insurance, and forming collective action. The article argues that the farmers' resilience and agency are crucial for ensuring food security and livelihoods in the face of climate change. The article concludes by highlighting the need for more education, support, and participation of the farmers in climate change mitigation and adaptation policies.
Keywords: Climate change, tragedy, Balaraja, Banten, agrarian revolt
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