Sasaran Sikap Profesional Dan Pengembangan Sikap Profesional Keguruan

Dinda Maharani, Rahimah Rahimah


This discussion focuses on the importance of a teacher's professional attitude in the field of education. A teacher's role goes beyond merely conveying lesson materials; they also play a significant part in shaping students' character, attitudes, and knowledge. A teacher's professional attitude includes integrity, ethics, responsibility, and a high level of commitment to their teaching duties. A teacher with a strong professional attitude can serve as a role model for students in understanding moral values, positive attitudes, and discipline. The development of a teacher's professional attitude is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection and continuous improvement efforts. Teachers need to identify areas where their professional attitude needs improvement and keep up with the latest developments in the field of education. The targets of a teacher's professional attitude include attitudes towards regulations, professional organizations, colleagues, students, the workplace, leaders, and the job itself. The research method used in this discussion is quantitative research, which employs numerical data and analyzes it using statistical techniques to identify patterns and relationships between the variables under study. The discussion also outlines the components of a teacher's professional attitude, the importance of professional attitudes in the context of education, and strategies for enhancing a teacher's professional attitude. By possessing a strong professional attitude and continually striving to improve it, teachers can become pillars that inspire and guide the younger generation towards a bright and competitive future. Through dedication and commitment to being professional teachers, the education system can become more meaningful and empowering for all students


Teacher, Professional Attitude, Education, Student Character

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