The Implementation of Speech Therapy in Children with Speech Delay

Ristra Sandra Ritonga, Munisa Munisa, Zulfahmi Syahputra, Sabrina Patuzahra


This study aims to analyze the implementation of speech therapy in children with speech delay. Speech delay is a condition where children experience delays in their language development compared to their peers. Early intervention, such as speech therapy, plays a crucial role in overcoming this delay and enhancing children's communication skills. The study focuses on the methods used in speech therapy, the effectiveness of the therapy, and the factors that influence its success. Data were collected through observations, interviews with speech therapists, and assessments of children's progress over time. The findings show that consistent and tailored speech therapy significantly improves language abilities in children with speech delay. Additionally, parental involvement and the use of engaging, child-friendly techniques are key factors that contribute to the therapy’s success. This research highlights the importance of early detection and intervention in addressing speech delay and suggests further exploration into innovative therapy methods to optimize outcomes for affected children.

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