The Role of Children's Character in the Perspective of Educational Philosophy
This research is about the Role of Children's Character in the Perspective of Educational Philosophy. Character education is the instilling of good values in students so that they become complete human beings (i.e. become human beings). Character education is considered important to improve the morals of the Indonesian nation through education. Character education has emerged in the world of education to shape and improve students' increasingly deteriorating morals. The author uses library research (Library Research) where the research object is searched through various library information (books, scientific journals, documents) and so on. In this research, the author collected data using a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type, aiming to describe in detail the role of children's character from the perspective of Educational Philosophy. The author takes two perspectives from the side of general education philosophy and Islamic education philosophy. From a General Philosophy perspective, it is Ki Hadjar Dewantara. According to Ki Hadjar Dewantara, education must be national in nature. The educational process has target achievements in the form of a process of transferring knowledge and transforming values to form the character of students. The formation of students' character needs to involve three educational centers (family, school and community). Meanwhile, from the perspective of Islamic educational philosophy, it is the philosophical figure Al Rasyidin. Character education starts from moral education. In Islam, morality is the root of all goodness and virtue which will give value to every deed or human behavior. Apart from that, the process of character formation can also be through education which is built on the basis of the Islamic conception of humans as creatures who have a complete and integrated unity between 'aql, qalb and nafs. The process of forming, fostering and developing an Islamic personality begins with tazkiyah then continues with ta'lim, tarbiyah or ta'dib.
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