Effective Communication Approach for Children in Klambir V Kebun

Nurhalima Tambunan


Effective communication approach for children in carrying out or participating in education both formally and non-formally where children's education in the Klambir V community is still relatively low, education is considered not a priority in running this life, they think their lives can contribute and help parents, especially for the lower middle class. This type of research uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques carried out through observational interviews and documentation by analyzing the data used is an interactive method of Miles and humpresmen with a descriptive approach of analysis by conducting socialization is expected to the community as well as children to have an interest in improving life skills through education provided at school and so that they take advantage of various facilities provided by the government including the productive period through the assistance of BOS funds obtained so that children can maximally participate in learning at school, especially during the 9-year compulsory education period.

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