Formation of Muslim Personality in Perspective Islamic Education Filsafat

Sufian Hadi


The formation of Muslim personalities has a significant impact on Islamic education. This is due to the fact that the formation of a Muslim personality is one of the basic values in Islamic education, and should be a starting point for the implementation and development of Islamic education itself. This journal was written to explain the process of forming a generation that has a strong personality in the perspective of the philosophy of Islamic education. Discuss aspects such as the nature of Muslim personality, the factors that influence its formation, its characteristics, and the impact it has. The formation of a Muslim personality requires a person not only to be able to provide lessons and supervision of students, but it also becomes an exemplary figure who is able to remind and strengthen the sacred commitments (worship) that humans have spoken before their Lord. This can be achieved through the incorporation of science and morals in the teaching, education and coaching processes. Good education, which strengthens worship only to God and strengthens the primordial worship that humans have spoken in nature, will form a strong and strong Muslim personality.

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