Pig Eye Cornea Transplantation from Maslahah Ath-Thufi's Perspective

Zaldi Zaldi


Islamic Law prohibit pork, while corneas from pig eyes can be used as a substitute for human corneas that are blind due to corneal abnormalities by transplanting corneas from either human corneas or corneas from pig eyes. Pig corneas have close genetic and anatomical similarities to human corneas so that rejection of the transplanted organ tissue is minimal.Transplantation of pig corneas as a replacement for human corneas does not yet have a clear law in the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, so the law needs to be established, in this case the author approaches the law from the perspective of Maslahah from Najamuddin Ath-Thufi who states that Maslahah is a shariah proposition ' strongest where Allah Ta'aala prioritizes maintaining the benefit of His servants as a gift from Allah.This article is a descriptive study where the author only takes and processes data sourced from literature related to the research topic with the tentative conclusion that transplantation of pig corneas as a replacement for human corneas is permitted for the benefit of humans if it is necessary to overcome blindness so that they can see again.

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