Women in Classical Islamic Education

Rahmawarni Harahap


Women in the days of jahiliyah were always under the tyranny of men, they did not have legal rights and did not have the position in society that they deserved. This study aims to find out how women's chances of getting an education in classical Islamic times. This research is a form of qualitative research called libraray research (literature study). By using descriptive research methods and data collection techniques that use documentary sources. So that this study does not require hypotheses but rather proof of variable conditions, namely women in classical Islamic education. The results showed that the arrival  of Islam changed the social status of women among society. Islam provides equal opportunities for women. Prophet Muhammad gave equal education and teaching between men and women. They can pray in the mosque, they can work to help their husbands. Islamic education for women is not limited as seen from female intellectual figures who are famous for their expertise in certain fields. Women contributed a lot of ideas that eventually greatly influenced the teachings of Islam. Many of the Prophet's famous wives and female companions narrated a hadith from the Prophet which is considered very authentic. Almost one-third of the Hadith texts appear through Aisha, the youngest wife of the Prophet. Another important woman in early Islamic history was Sukaina bint al-Hussein, the granddaughter of the Prophet whose level of education was so high, renowned for her knowledge, reading and writing skills, beauty, and resourcefulness.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47006/iscis.v2i1.17665


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