Moral Education in the Concept of Mahabbah Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah: Al-Hubb Al-Illahi

Lathifa Shufi


Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah was the first and most famous female Sufi to date. Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah put forward the concept of mahabbah which in the world of Sufism, mahabbah  has the meaning of love for its god. This study aims to find out whether mahabbah can be a means or forum in shaping education and creating ethics that are in accordance with the goals of the national education system and the goals of religious education itself. This research is in the form of qualitative research called library research. This study used descriptive research method. Data collection techniques in this study rely on documentary sources. Therefore, this study does not require hypotheses but only proves the status of variables, especially moral education and mahabbah.  The results of this study show that moral education itself is closely related to (mahabbah) Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah. Mahabbah here is more about the strategy of love, also trying to change attitudes and behavior and shape one's mind so that one has the desire to become a meaningful, productive, and virtuous person with good character, not only as a student but also as a child, disciple, servant of God. In line with the goals of the national education system, it is to find ways to create peace, tranquility, kindness and solidarity which can then be realized in everyday life.

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