Halal Certification of Cosmetic Products From The Perspective of Consumer Protection Law (Analysis of cosmetic business actors' understanding of halal cosmetics)

Evriza Noverda Nasution


The birth of a law in Indonesia is a rule that becomes a reference for all Indonesian people, including the policy on halalization of products and consumer protection guarantees for products including cosmetic products.

This study aims to determine how halal certification of cosmetic products in the perspective of consumer protection laws and how the understanding of cosmetic product business actors about the importance of halalization of cosmetic products sold in terms of consumer protection guarantee laws, and whether in selling a beauty / cosmetic product the business actors pay a lot of attention to the halalness of their products or sell all kinds of cosmetics that are trending and viral without paying attention to the halalness of a product. This research uses a mixed research method, namely combining normative research methods where the primary source of this discussion is the law, namely the consumer protection guarantee law and also the halal product guarantee law as well as the rules that are derived from the above laws, then the researcher also uses an empirical method, namely a field method where the author gives a questionnaire and also conducts interviews with several cosmetic business actors about how much understanding and attention cosmetic business actors pay to the halalness of the cosmetic products they sell. From the results of the study, it states that most business actors are aware of the existence of rules governing consumer protection guarantees and rules governing halal product guarantees, it's just that some of them also do not fully understand the contents of the two rules, there needs to be more attention from the government to socialize the applicable rules, rules relating to the importance of protecting consumers from products traded and the guarantee that products traded must be halal certified.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47006/iscis.v2i1.17651


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