Modernization of Indonesian Islamic Education: The Experience of Nahdatul Ulama

Tongat Tongat


Through this article, I will explain the role and contribution of Nahdlatul Ulama which is not small towards the need to educate the nation's life. This contribution seems even greater, if you look at how Nahdlatul Ulama educational institutions such as Islamic boarding schools, madrasas, schools and Nahdlatul Ulama colleges which were founded traditionally on the initiative and participation of the community through the spirit of Lillahi Ta'ala can now develop rapidly and even become the choice of the people. . The Nahdlatul Ulama educational institution is able to serve the educational needs of the community and reach all regions of Indonesia that other public schools have not managed to reach through the conventional school system or Presidential Instruction schools. Overall, the modernization of Nahdlatul Ulama education is carried out in all aspects of education, such as: objectives, curriculum, methods, human resources and institutions. The fact that can be seen is the increasing development of Nahdlatul Ulama's educational institutions, from kindergartens to quality universities.

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