Moral Education Perspectives of Muhammad Quraish Shihab (Review of the Book Lost to Us: Morals)
Muhammad Quraish Shihab is a contemporary scholar in Indonesia. This study discusses the moral education perspective of Muhammad Quraish Shihab. This research aims: To find out Muhammad Quraish Shihab's thoughts about morals to oneself, morals to parents and morals to teachers so that the results can be a reference so that they can be applied in everyday life.
This type of research is book study research (library research). The data is obtained from primary data sources, namely books that are lost to us: akhlak, Birrul Walidain and Tafsir Al-Misbah and secondary data other books / journals relevant to this study. The data analysis used is a descriptive method of analysis. Then, use the content analysis method.
The results of the author's analysis in the study are: the morals of Muhammad Quraish Shihab are steady ethics in the soul that make enthusiasm done by repeated practice. Then Muhammad Quraish Shihab conveyed tips for self-cultivation by instilling moral values, namely: sincerity, mercy, patience, ash-Shidq, trust, loyalty, strength, chest spaciousness, tolerance, nobility / self-respect, discipline, simple life, Al-haya / shame, and Tabayyun / Check and Recheck
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