Four Characters of UINSU Medan Students and Graduates
Dialogue about the character of students or the character of UINSU Medan graduates is part of the Vision and Mission of UINSU Medan. The success or achievement of the Vision and Mission is viewed from utility to self and utility to society and the environment. Four characters of UINSU Medan graduates are able to answer the success or achievement of the Vision and Mission and affairs in the community. If it does not become a utility to themselves, the community and the environment, it is suspected that the Vision and Mission has not been fully achieved or attached to UINSU Medan students and graduates in terms of responsibility, quality, and professionalism. This paper aims to analyze the four characters of UINSU Medan graduates. Using the study research method, this paper reveals 4 characters that refer to the Qur'an through classical and modern interpretations. The four characters include Ulil al-B āb, Ulil 'Ilmi, Ulil an-Nuhā, and Ulil al-Abṣar. Ulil al-B āb has the meaning of knowledge, earnest, consistent, balance between thought and remembrance, has a dynamic ethos and devotional character, and piety, Ulil 'Ilmi, has the meaning of having deep knowledge and high intelligence, is able to take an integration-transdisciplinary approach, has a dynamic ethos and character of devotion, moderate attitude, and noble character, Ulil an-Nuhā has the meaning of the potential to empower common sense and the potential to deceive morality, and Ulil al-Abṣar has the meaning of spiritual dimension or eye of the heart. This four-course character refers to the term weltanchauung which comes from the German language popularized by Immanuel Kant. Then it was translated into English, namely worldview.
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