The Crime of Abortion Seen From the Health Law and Government Regulations on Reproduction (Overview of Islamic Law and Social Control Theory)

Titi Martini Harahap, Sakban Lubis, Muhammad Yunan Harahap


Social control is every method or effort taken by related parties to prevent, reduce, and overcome criminal acts so that people's lives become and remain peaceful and orderly based on existing values and norms. Social control carried out by the community arises because of the community's desire to create a safe and orderly life, so that the community creates a number of values and norms that must be adhered to by each member. in terms of social control theory. The type of this research is library research using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources were obtained from primary data sources, namely the Health Law and Government Regulation on Reproduction and social control theory, then refined with secondary data sources obtained from books related to the themes studied. The results of this study indicate that the Criminal Code, Health Law Number 36 of 2009, and Government Regulation Number 61 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health have not been effective in society, marked by the increasing number of abortion cases since the issuance of the regulation until now. Then from several social control institutions, the most effective social control is still religion (agent of social control).

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