Implementation Of Registration Of Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises Licensing In The Investment Office And One-Stop Integrated Licensing Services Binjai City

Hasdiana Juwita Bintang


This study aims to describe the implementation of business license registration for micro, small and medium enterprises in Binjai City, considering that the licensing process for business activities has undergone changes with an electronically integrated system, the author is interested in reviewing it in the form of research. The formulation of the problems in this study is how to regulate the licensing of micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia, how is the mechanism for licensing services for micro, small and medium enterprises in Binjai City, and how to implement the registration of micro, small and medium enterprises licensing in the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Licensing Service of Binjai City. The research method used is descriptive with empirical types of research, data collection methods are carried out by observation and interviews, the analysis used is qualitative analysis. Brief Description in the study, namely the licensing service for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Binjai City is carried out with a risk-based licensing service system, the type of licensing obtained through risk-based business licensing is a business license based on the level of risk of business activities. The level of risk of such business activities determines the type of business license required. Through this system, the Government maps the level of risk in accordance with the business field or the Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields.

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