Relevance of Islamic Education Methods to Growth Mindset Generation

Listari Basuki, Nilna Mayang Kencana Sirait, Robin Sirait, Putri Ani Dalimunthe


Changes that occur continuously result in the impact of culture shock among today's generation of students. The world continues to innovate along with an advanced paradigm. The impact of confusion about what is happening among students is seen by the increasing use of social media and the violence that is happening and being carried out among students today. As a result of being unproductive and the loss of spirituality in oneself, someone does random things to fill the void. Of course, this condition is an important note for Islamic Education which functions as a balancing wheel for human consistency in the future. The purpose of this research is to find out the application of the relevance of Islamic education methods in the Koran to the growth mindset paradigm in millennials caused by disruption factors in all current aspects

Changes that occur continuously result in the impact of culture shock among today's generation of students. The world continues to innovate along with an advanced paradigm. The impact of confusion about what is happening among students is seen by the increasing use of social media and the violence that is happening and being carried out among students today. As a result of being unproductive and the loss of spirituality in oneself, someone does random things to fill the void. Of course, this condition is an important note for Islamic Education which functions as a balancing wheel for human consistency in the future. The purpose of this research is to find out the application of the relevance of Islamic education methods in the Koran to the growth mindset paradigm in millennials caused by disruption factors in all current aspects

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