Active, Creative, Efective and Fun (Pakem)Learning in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Subjects in Madrasah

Juli Iswanto, Muslim Muslim, Heryadi Heryadi, Febrilian Lestario


This discussion aims to add to the treasures and insights and understanding of the active, creative, effective and fun learning approach (PAKEM) in Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects. It is hoped that the PAKEM approach to the learning process can keep pace with developments in global trends that are developing so as to improve the quality of education. The conventional learning approaches used up until now do not offer guidance for the processes of looking, comprehending, learning, and applying. The method in this discussion is to use a literature review. Where Literature Review is a description of theories, findings and other research materials obtained from reference materials to be used as a basis for research activities to develop a clear frame of mind from the formulation of the problem to be studied done by someone else before.The indicators of success used in this discussion are seen from the student observation questionnaire, student test scores in Civics subjects after implementing Active, creative, effective and fun learning. The learning that has been developed so far in the Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects is based on a needs analysis approach which is still and continues to be perfected because of the dynamics and flexibility that surrounds it. For this reason, the learning approach is based on identifying needs and developing optimally and achieving optimal results as well.

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