The Development of Islam In Indonesia (Analysis of Existing Theories)

Aswan Aswan, Suhardi Suhardi


To study the development of Islam in Indonesia, one should know various events in sequence starting from the beginning of the arrival of Islam, the acculturation of cultures, the formation of communities to form empires and various other developments sequentially. With this it will make it easier to understand how the long history of the process of entry and development of Islam in Indonesia.

Islam entered and was later accepted by the people of the Archipelago, having an influence on the previous civilization, namely Hindu-Buddhism. The entry of Islam formed a tradition that combined Islamic culture with local traditions that had existed beforehand. This amalgamation of cultures is referred to as cultural acculturation, which means that Islamic practices acculturate (mix and complement both) with the local culture. The existence of cultural acculturation between Islam and local culture facilitated the spread of Islam because Islam was easily accepted among the people at that time. This cultural acculturation includes aspects of life such as social, traditional ceremonies, and also art, all of which have a big impact on society.

This paper contains an analysis of several discussions, namely regarding: the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, various theories about the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, an analysis of the theories of the arrival of Islam in Indonesia and the development of Islam in Indonesia.

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