Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must be submitted via online, with the following steps: 

1. Online paper submited in the portal E-Journal of Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis, link:

2. Select Menu REGISTER on the homepage, author registering as a Writer (Checking role as Author) at the address:

3. Once Writer login as Author, click on "New Submission". Stages submit an article consists of five stages, namely: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Supplementary Files, (5). confirmation

4. Start section, select the Journal Section (Full Article), check all the options

6. In the Enter Metadata, data enter all Writers and their affiliates, followed by the title and abstract, and indexing keywords.

7. Upload Supplementary Files in part, is allowed to upload files data to support or cover letter or another document.

8. On the Confirmation, please click "Finish Submission" if all the information is correct.