The Contribution of Shaikh Mustafa Hussain’s Thought to Theology of Community in Purba Baru Village

Purnama Lubis


The main issue in this research is how the impact of thought Syekh
Musthafa Husein on the development of theology society Purba Baru
Village. This research is the Influence Study concept of a character who
is qualitative, which is an interpretive and naturalistic analyst on the
phenomenon under research. The approach to theology's themes is as
efforts approach religious societies by using the framework of theology
or science of Godhead with a point of reference patterns Syekh
Musthafa Husein theology. The theology society of Purba Baru is
Ash‘ariyah and Maturidiyah according to the theology developed by
Sheikh Hussein Mustahafa called understand Ahlu Sunnah wa al-
Jama’ah, theology Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jama‘ah patterned rational,
rationality is reflected in the used of public understanding reality laws of
reason and daily community life, and understanding of the various
fundamental themes of theology who asked the communities in Purba
Baru Village Lembah Sorik Marapai Subdistrict.

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Wawancara dengan Bapak Anwar Lubis di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan Lembah

sorik Marapi, pada hari Senin tanggal 16 Maret 2017 Jam 19:30 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Darwis Lubis di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan

Lembah Sorik Marapi, pada hari Selasa 07 Maret 2017 Jam 09:00 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Ibrahim Lubis di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan Lembah Sorik Marapi, pada Selasa Tanggal 07 Maret 2017 Jam 20:00 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Ismail Nasution di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan

Lembah Sorik Marapi, pada hari Ahad 12 Maret 2017 Jam 19:00 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Bapak khairuddin di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan Lembah

Sorik Marapi, pada hari Jumat 10 Maret 2017 Jam 20:00 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Nasrul Hakim di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan

Lembah Sorik Marapi, pada hari Jumat 10 Maret 2017 Jam 19:30 WIB.

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Sorik Marapi, pada hari Kamis tanggal 09 Maret 2017 Jam 17:45 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Ibu Fatimah Sari di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan Lembah

Sorik Marapi, pada Jumat 11 Maret 2017 Jam 20:00 WIB.

Wawancara dengan Ibu Syahniar di Desa Purba Baru Kecamatan Lembah Sorik

Marapi, pada hari Ahad 12 Maret 2017 Jam 17:00 WIB.



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