Mohd. Nasir Mukhlis, Meutia Rahmah


Environment has important role in obtaining language, although in natural or un natural environment. Learning foreign language, needed to form unnatural environment, so the student easy to learn it well. Boarding school is a place to create the unnatural environment, is one of integrated boarding in Aceh which apply "bi'ah lughawiyah" (language environment). When other boarding school didn't perform the bi'ah yet, in this boarding school the bi'ah lughawiyah  performed well. The purpose of this writing is to know how "bi'ah lughawiyah" can be exist in this boarding and obstacles that will be faced. By direct observing, interview and FGD so can be concluded that Dayah Boarding School Al-Muslim Lhoksukon Aceh Utara can be exist because it is supported by English-arabic learning method which are variative, innovative and fun. Without applying physicall punishment, it must be educative using religion approach if it is applied such as saying istighfar. It is supported by media of learning, eventhough it was not complete yet, it can be maximal. Endorsement of appropriate curriculum gives effect in topic. Moreever the provide of human resourch in speaking English-Arabic of  institution and director that have positive effect to existence of bi'ah lughawiyah in boarding school Al-Muslim Lhoksukon. The obstacle which is faced in existence the bi'ah lughawiyah in boarding school Al-Muslimun lhoksukon it is only minor obstacle, students who break discipline/disobey of language.


Kata Kunci : Bi'ah Lughawiyah, Eksistensi

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Andiopenta Purba, Journal Pena, Vol.3 No.1, Juli 2013

Biodata Penulis:

Mohd. Nasir, lahir di Tanjung Morawa 18 Desember 1977. S3 IAIN SU Medan, konsentrasi Pendidikan Islam. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Wadek III FTIK IAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa

Mukhlis, lahir di Tanjung Lubuk, 23 September 1980. S2 Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Fatah, Palembang Prodi Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Saat ini menjabat sebagai ketua jurusan PAI IAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa

Meutia Rahmah, lahir di Idi 29 Mei 1984. S2 Kharthoum International Institute for Arabic Language Sudan, jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. Saat ini sebagai tenaga pengajar di jurusan PBA IAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/ihya.v2i1.55


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