Rahmatul Aufa, Syamsu Nahar, Salminawati


Abstrak: This study aims to analyze: 1) the implementation multicultural education in the subject of
Islamic Religion Education in Rakyat independent Junior High School Sei Glugur district Pancur
Batu. 2) the constraints of Islamic Religion Education in implementing the multicultural education in
the lessons of Islamic Religion Education in Rakyat independent Junior High School Sei Glugur
district Pancur Batu. 3) the efforts of Islamic Religion Education in implementing the multicultural
education in the lessons of Islamic Religion Education in Rakyat independent Junior High School
Sei Glugur district Pancur Batu. This type of research is qualitative with a narrative approach, namely
research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of observed
behavior. The results of the study show that: 1) Implementation of the planting of multicultural education
in the subject of Islamic Religion Education at the peoples private junior high school by providing
good examples of teachers about interrelated by not discriminating between students who are only
with others students. 2) Related to the challenges that were issued by the public private junior high
school Islamic Religion Education teacher Sei Glugur in implementing the multicultural education,
namely: Lack of awareness of students in good fighting, Lack of support for parents of students, Lack
of media that can be visited, No need for values images multicultural advocates, and the difficulty of
determining the time to disseminate multicultural values from experts needed from outside the school
for all students. 3) Efforts of Islamic Religion Education in implementing the multicultural education in
Sei Glugur Pancur Batu private middle school are as follows equalizing the majority and contributing,
minimizing conflicts in school for the purpose, mission and purpose of the school, so that teachers are
more proficient in complaint plan learning and decision method/ strategy decisions.

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