This study aims to determine (1) the relationship of reading ability to
student learning independence (2) the relationship of the ability to think
critically towards the independence of student learning (3) the discipline
of learning to the independence of student learning (4) the influence of
reading skills, and the ability to think critically, and towards Student
learning independence (5) Effect of reading ability, and learning discipline
on student learning independence (6) Effect of critical thinking skills, and
learning discipline on student learning independence (7) Effect of reading
ability, critical thinking skills, and learning discipline on student learning
independence.The results of the study: 1) There is a Positive and
Significant Relationship in the Ability to Read Against Learning
Independence Students who proved the correlation is worth 0.761. 2)
There is a Positive and Significant Relationship to the Critical Thinking
Ability of Students' Learning Independence which is worth 0.883. 3) There
is a Positive and Significant Relationship in Learning Discipline Against
Student Learning Independence, with a value of 0.938 Multiple linear
regression obtained by regression equation, Y = 15.238 + 0.352X1 +
0.623X2 + e. 5) There is a positive and significant influence between
reading ability (X1), and learning discipline (X3) on student learning
independence (Y), the results of the calculation of multiple linear
regression analysis obtained regression equation that is Y = 12.865 +
0.224X1 + 0.720X2 + e . 6) There is a Positive and Significant Influence
Between Critical Thinking Ability (X2) and Learning Discipline (X3) on
Student Learning Independence (Y). Multiple linear regression analysis
obtained regression equation, namely Y = 15.671+ 0.312X1 + 0.594X2 + e.
7) There is a Positive and Significant Influence Between Reading Ability
(X1), Critical Thinking Ability (X2) and Learning Discipline (X3) Against
Student Learning Independence (Y) which is proven through the results of
the calculation of multiple linear regression analysis obtained the
regression equation that is Y = 11.302 + 0.173X1 + 0, 276X2 + 0.524X3 + e.
Results of hypothesis analysis Simultaneously, fcount> ftabel where
237.611> 2.77. And the results of the analysis of the coefficient of determination in this study is the R Square value of 0.963. And with a
significance level of 5%.
Full Text:
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