Nur Halimah


Abstrack: This thesis title is " QIṢĀṢ CONCEPT IN ALQURAN " 
The government has made various methods and efforts to
overcome the crime that is a social problem for the Indonesian
people. In addition, the Koran also explains the punishment for
perpetrators of crime. To deal with and provide solutions about
crime, namely the penalty Qiṣāṣ. This study aims to find out how
the meaning of qiṣāṣ in the Koran, how the Tafsir Ulama interpret
the law of qiṣāṣ and the views of the scholars towards the
punishment, what is the relationship between qiṣāṣ in the Koran
and the criminal law. This type of research is library research
(library research) so that the data sources come from written
data relating to the topics discussed. The sources of this
research can be classified into two types. The first is called the
primary data source and the second is called the secondary
data source. In accordance with the objectives of this study,
the source of the data is the Koran. From the main data the
verses on qiṣāṣ punishment will be collected. Then the data will
be sought from the traditions of the Prophet relating to the
topic of discussion as an explanation of the verses of the Koran
for the perfection of the study in this study. The conclusion is
that in Islam also recognizes that there is a punishment called
forgiveness in some criminal acts. Islamic law also does not
consider something strange when it recognizes the remission
system for a crime. But instead it brings a principle that is
recognized by modern law today so that Islamic law is superior
to conventional law because the system of forgiveness in qiṣāṣ
law is more pro-humanitarian. . Guard society from evil and
detain anyone who will spill the blood of others. Realizing
justice and helping people who are wronged, by providing
convenience for the victim's guardian to retaliate to the
perpetrators as was done to the victim. Being a means of
repentance and cleansing of sins that have been violated,
because qiṣāṣ become kafarah or eraser for the culprit.
Conventional law also recognizes the system even though it is
not properly implemented in the same criminal act.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/al-i'jaz.v5i2.5788


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