
When discussing the principles of Islamic politics, of course, it refers to the source of Islamic law, namely the Koran and the Hadith as a source of law that is used as the basis for establishing law. In Islam, as a religion that regulates all lines of life including politics. Although the dynamics of Islamic political history do not establish a similar system, so that in the modern age there was a fierce debate about the government system even though it had previously happened, but in this modern age the debate was hotly discussed among scholars. In the debate there are three schools of Islamic thought including religious schools, these schools are always looking for a foundation that in Islamic teachings is a universal religion that discusses all aspects of life both worldly and ultimately including political issues. Secular school, this school is of the view that in Islamic teachings there is no explaining political issues, Muslims must westernize, imitate the West and use Western idioms in matters of state. Synthetic schools are of the view that in a state, Muslims must use Western idioms.
Keywords: Principles, Thought, Politics, Islam


Jika membahas prinsip-prinsip politik Islam tentunya merujuk kepada sumber hukum Islam, yakni al-Quran dan Hadis sebagai sumber hukum yang dijadikan dasar dalam menetapkan hukum. Dalam Islam, sebagai agama yang mengatur segala lini kehidupan termasuk di dalamnya berpolitik. Walaupun dinamika sejarah politik Islam tidak menetapkan suatu sistem yang sama, sehingga di abad modern terjadi perdebatan sengit mengenai system pemerintahan walaupun sebelumnya pernah terjadi, akan tetapi di abad modern ini perdebatan itu hangat di diskusikan dikalangan terpelajar. Dalam perdebatan tersebut terdapat tiga mazab pemikiran Islam diantaranya, Mazhab religius, mazhab ini selalu mencari landasan bahwa dalam ajaran Islam adalah agama yang universal yang membahas segala aspek kehidupan baik dunia maupun akirat termasuklah di dalamnya persoalan politik. Mazhab sekuler, mazhab ini berpandangan bahwa dalam ajaran Islam tidak ada menjelaskan persoalan politik, umat Islam harus melakukan westernisasi, meniru Barat dan menggunakan idiom-idiom Barat dalam persoalan bernegara. Mazhab sintetik berpandangan bahwa dalam bernegara, umat Islam harus mengunakan idiom-idiom Barat.
Kata Kunci: Prinsip, Pemikiran, Politik, Islam

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