Parents' Education Interaction Patterns on The Effectiveness of Supervition and Development of Children's Religious Character in Kota Pari Village, Pantai Cermin DIstrict, Serdang Bedagai District

Muhammad Yunan Harahap, Hamzah Hamzah, Ahmad Muammar Khairi, Titi Martini Harahap


Parental educational interaction with children is an important thing in everyday life, especially in maintaining and monitoring their behavior when they are not together. In an effort to foster religious character, this educational interaction is very much needed considering that children are very easily influenced in associations that keep them away from religious attitudes. This study aims to provide information on how the pattern of educational interaction is carried out by parents towards their children in Kota Pari Village. Then to provide information on whether educational interaction is effective in fostering and supervising the religious character of children in Kota Pari Village. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show patterns of parental educative interaction, namely: Makes it easier for parents to monitor children's behavior even though they are not together, because it is done in two directions. Interaction through parental attention such as punishing, directing, guiding, supervising, providing guidance and advice. So that the behavior of children in Kota Pari Village shows positive behavior such as being honest, responsible, helping parents work, obeying parents' orders and obeying worship. Children can change their attitude because of stimulation from parents (stimulus) through educational interactions by showing good behavior or guidance from parents so that children can also imitate what their parents has directed (response). The supporting factor is strong enthusiasm and motivation in educating children, while the inhibiting factor is a lack of understanding of how educational interactions are correct.

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