Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

 Sub Themes:

  1. Education Science.
  2. The Islamic Education Science.
  3. Educational Psychology.
  4. Learning Psychology.
  5. Educational Philosophy.
  6. Islamic Educational Philosophy.
  7. Lesson Plan.
  8. Lesson Design.
  9. Lesson Media.
  10. Development of Resources and Learning Media.
  11. Learning Theory of Islamic Education.
  12. Learning Strategies of Islamic Education.
  13. Islamic Education Curriculum Development.
  14. Objectives and Evaluations of Educational Curriculum.
  15. History of Islamic Education
  16. Islamic Education Politics
  17. Religious Studies
  18. Sharia Economics
  19. Islamic Law.
  20. Syariah Banking.
  21. Islamic Education Management,
  22. Islamic Economics,
  23. Islamic Counseling,
  24. Science And Technology
  25. Islamic Philosophy,
  26. Islamic Communication,
  27. Sharia Accounting
The copyediting stage is intended to improve the flow, clarity, grammar, wording, and formatting of the article. It represents the last chance for the author to make any substantial changes to the text because the next stage is restricted to typos and formatting corrections. The file to be copyedited is in Word or .rtf format and therefore can easily be edited as a word processing document. The set of instructions displayed here proposes two approaches to copyediting. One is based on Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature and requires that the copy editor, editor, and author have access to this program. A second system, which is software independent, has been borrowed, with permission, from the Harvard Educational Review. The journal editor is in a position to modify these instructions, so suggestions can be made to improve the process for this journal.

Copyediting Systems

1. Microsoft Word's Track Changes Under Tools in the menu bar, the feature Track Changes enables the copy editor to make insertions (text appears in color) and deletions (text appears crossed out in color or in the margins as deleted). The copy editor can posit queries to both the author (Author Queries) and to the editor (Editor Queries) by inserting these queries in square brackets. The copyedited version is then uploaded, and the editor is notified. The editor then reviews the text and notifies the author. The editor and author should leave those changes with which they are satisfied. If further changes are necessary, the editor and author can make changes to the initial insertions or deletions, as well as make new insertions or deletions elsewhere in the text. Authors and editors should respond to each of the queries addressed to them, with responses placed inside the square brackets. After the text has been reviewed by editor and author, the copy editor will make a final pass over the text accepting the changes in preparation for the layout and galley stage. 2. Harvard Educational Review Instructions for Making Electronic Revisions to the Manuscript Please follow the following protocol for making electronic revisions to your manuscript: Responding to suggested changes.   For each of the suggested changes that you accept, unbold the text.   For each of the suggested changes that you do not accept, re-enter the original text and bold it. Making additions and deletions.   Indicate additions by bolding the new text.   Replace deleted sections with: [deleted text].   If you delete one or more sentence, please indicate with a note, e.g., [deleted 2 sentences]Responding to Queries to the Author (QAs).   Keep all QAs intact and bolded within the text. Do not delete them.   To reply to a QA, add a comment after it. Comments should be delimited using: [Comment:]   e.g., [Comment: Expanded discussion of methodology as you suggested]Making comments.   Use comments to explain organizational changes or major revisions   e.g., [Comment: Moved the above paragraph from p. 5 to p. 7].  Note: When referring to page numbers, please use the page numbers from the printed copy of the manuscript that was sent to you. This is important since page numbers may change as a document is revised electronically.

An Illustration of an Electronic Revision

  1. Initial copyedit. The journal copy editor will edit the text to improve flow, clarity, grammar, wording, and formatting, as well as including author queries as necessary. Once the initial edit is complete, the copy editor will upload the revised document through the journal Web site and notify the author that the edited manuscript is available for review.
  2. Author copyedit. Before making dramatic departures from the structure and organization of the edited manuscript, authors must check in with the editors who are co-chairing the piece. Authors should accept/reject any changes made during the initial copyediting, as appropriate, and respond to all author queries. When finished with the revisions, authors should rename the file from AuthorNameQA.doc to AuthorNameQAR.doc (e.g., from LeeQA.doc to LeeQAR.doc) and upload the revised document through the journal Web site as directed.
  3. Final copyedit. The journal copy editor will verify changes made by the author and incorporate the responses to the author queries to create a final manuscript. When finished, the copy editor will upload the final document through the journal Web site and alert the layout editor to complete formatting.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Open Access Policy

On the principle of this journal provides open acces for those who want to contribute reading materials and to petrify the research for free to the public and to provide national, regional and global knowledge exchange.Pada prinsip jurnal ini menyediakan open acces bagi yang ingin mencarai bahan bacaan dan membatu mempublis riset secara gratis untuk publik dan mensuport pertukaran pengetahuan nasional, regional, dan global.


Licensing Terms

This license means that this publication is used by:

  1. Attribution (BY), which requires attribution to the original creator
  2. Non-Commercial (NC), of which the work is not used for commercial purposes
  3. Similar sharing (SA), which enables the existence of derivative works under the same license

Dengan lisensi ini berarti terbitan ini digunakan dengan cara:

  1. Atribusi (BY), yang membutuhkan atribusi ke pencipta aslinya
  2. Non-Commercial (NC), yang mana ciptaan tersebut tidak digunakan untuk tujuan komersial
  3. Berbagi Serupa (SA), yang memungkinkan adanya karya turunan di bawah lisensi yang sama
Creative Commons License
Edu Riligia by http://jurnal.uinsu.ac.id/index.php/ISCIS/index is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



This journal not utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...

Jurnal ini tidak menggunakan sistem LOCKSS untuk membuat sistem pengarsipan terdistribusi di antara perpustakaan yang berpartisipasi dan mengizinkan perpustakaan tersebut untuk membuat arsip jurnal permanen untuk tujuan pelestarian dan restorasi. Selengkapnya...


Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

Referring and/or quoting terms, words and/or sentences, data and/or information from a source without mentioning the source in the record of the quotation and/or without stating the source adequately;

Plagiat meliputi tetapi tidak terbatas pada:

Mengacu dan/atau mengutip istilah, kata-kata dan/atau kalimat, data dan/atau informasi dari suatu sumber tanpa menyebutkan sumber dalam catatan kutipan dan/atau tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadai.