Divition of Inheritance in Muslim Communities Pari City, Pantai Cermin District, Regency Serdang Bedagai

Sakban Lubis, Muhammad Yunan Harahap


The law of inheritance in Islam is systematically regulated, detailed and full of justice. However, it is different from the people of Pari City Village, Pantai Cermin District, has its own way of dividing its inheritance. That is by evenly dividing the property, without distinguishing both men and women, the important thing is that there is a sense of comfort and causes a sense of justice. Even the majority of the people of Pari City Village distributed the inheritance before the heir died, When one of their family members is already married then they immediately get their share.

The formulation of the problem of this study is: 1.What is the understanding of the people of Pari City Village about Islamic inheritance law. 2. How to implement the distribution of inheritance in Pari City Village. The objectives of this study are: 1. To find out the understanding of the people in Pari City Village about Islamic inheritance law. 2.To find out the implementation of the distribution of inheritance in Pari City Village. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach, or research using field studies (Field Research). Research like this is carried out by going directly to the field to be able to obtain the data needed in this research. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation studies.

In conclusion, this research is about the Division of Inheritance in the Muslim Community of Pari City, Pantai Cermin District that the understanding that occurs in Pari City Village regarding inheritance law is very diverse. The distribution of inheritance in Pari City Village is distributed before the parents die and divided equally without distinguishing between boys and girls. The division of inheritance in Pari City Village is not in accordance with Islamic law, The distribution of inheritance in Pari City Village is not in accordance with Islamic law, although the distribution is carried out by deliberation, and it is distributed before the parents die, there is also after death

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