Education Values in Beguru Sinte Mungerje (Ethnopedagogic Study on Local Wisdom of Gayo Society at Takengon)

Isnawati Isnawati, Linda Fitri Ibrahim, Marlina Marlina, Muhammad Solihin Pranoto


The value of education is basically equipping oneself with Islamic principles about faith, worship and syari’ah also know oneself and seeking physical and spiritual needs to establish personality and character. In accordance with encouraging human to obey to God so that realized safety, peacefulness, safe world and hereafter. If custom is not implemented it will occur confusion which produce unwritten sanctions by local community to person who are considered deviant. Like a traditional Gayo’s wedding procession to anticipate unwritten sanctions, communities do beguru which has been hereditary from their ancestor.  The method used is ethnography which is applied to reveal socio-cultural meanings by learning daily life patterns and interactions of socio-cultural groups. The diversity of wedding processions is due to the diversity of ethnic groups, the diversity of processions is a cultural asset that should be protected and preserved so that do not extinct. Wedding ritual in each region apply based on the prevailing customs. A custom have strong bonds and influences in society. Beguru is the process of giving knowledge and lessons to someone who will carry out the marriage, which contains Islamic education value. Beguru is the final momentum before wedding ceremony which is called ejer muarah which is giving advice, reminding the Islamic values and principles to the bride and groom. The beguru custom is one of Gayo’s custom which is still sustainable today, of course it has traditional and religious values that must be maintained. “Beguru has deep religious impressions, so it is important to do and the most important is the religion then custom”  

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