Analysis of Motivation and Innovation towards Business Development on Penyet Palapa Grilled Chicken in Klambir V Deli Serdang

Yana Diana


The purpose of this study is to determine the motivation and innovation in the penyet chicken business. The study was conducted in Klambir V Garden. The research time is planned to be carried out for five months from October 2021 to February 2022. This type of research is a case study to investigate and understand an event or problem that has occurred by collecting various kinds of information which is then processed to get a solution so that the problem revealed can be resolved. Innovation is a problem, including employees arguing that they have not been able to provide services as expected, this is because consumers often complain about the length of the payment process at the cashier using the old model transaction program so that the owner needs to upgrade the cash register for ease of final consumer transactions, Furthermore, employees have not been able to carry out the strategy given by the superior and seem slow, such as not being ready for the service process directly when consumers come, as well as coordination that must be maintained by fellow colleagues so that the orders served are still minimal errors. In addition, the lack of a food menu on the Palapa penyet grilled chicken which only provides a menu of grilled chicken and penyet only, so it is necessary to add a dining menu in order to provide different variants to consumers who come so that they are not bored with a small menu this indicates the need for innovation in the menu.

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