Analysis of Criminal Acts of Psychic Violence Within The Scope of The Household (Study of Medan District Court Decision Number 298/Pid.Sus/PN Mdn)

Sumarno Sumarno


In general, domestic violence is always preceded by psychic violence that is often not realized by a family. A wife or a child does not know that psychic violence has befallen them. Like feelings of fear, they must have felt but they didn't know that it was a form of psychic violence. The type of research used in this study is normative legal research, the nature of the research used in this study is descriptive, while research data is obtained from primary, secondary, and tertiary data using library research methods (Library Research) Crimes of domestic violence can cause victims either due to physical, psychological, sexual violence, or neglect. So that efforts are needed to protect victims of domestic violence acts can generally be classified into 2 (two) types, namely internal factors, and internal factors. In the Decision of the Medan District Court Number 298 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Mdn) it is appropriate for the defendant to be found guilty by the Medan District Court and get a verdict that is in accordance with his crime.

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