The Meanings Of The Al-Fitnah And Its Derivatives In The Holy Quran

Muhammad Sapii Harahap, Nunzairina Nunzairina, Zamiat Subari, Eka Yusnaldi


The research questions are how many word " Al-Fitnah " and its derivatives in the Holy Quran? What is the meaning of the word “Al-Fitnah” and its derivatives in the Holy Qur’an? The objectives of this research are to know the number of the word "Al-Fitnah" and its derivatives in the Holy Quran, to know the meaning of the word "al-fitnah/sedition" and its derivatives in the Holy Quran. The method of this research is qualitative research, and the method of analyzing the data is by collecting the surahs and verses in which the word “al-fitnah/sedition” and its derivatives are mentioned in the Great Qur’an, books in the Arabic language, and books of interpretations related to the meaning of the word “Al-Fitnah” and its derivatives in the Great Qur’an. The result of this research is that the researcher found the places of the word “Al-Fitnah” and its derivatives in the Great Qur’an, 57 places in the Great Qur’an, and it contains 29 nouns, and it contains 30 verbs, and many meanings in the Great Qur’an. calamity, misfortune, calamity, and hypocrisy. 

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