Education Of Worship In The Quran

Naurah Luthfiah, Darlis Ahmad


Al-Qur'an is a guide for mankind, in which the principles of faith, worship, morals, and others are compiled. Especially regarding worship, this is a form of servitude for a human being to his God and will be a differentiator between God and the creatures he creates. Therefore, this paper seeks to explain the nature of education and worship, as well as the verses of the Qur'an which contain the values of worship education. Through a library research approach, namely a research approach through literature or reading materials as a form of effort to find answers to the problems raised. The results of the research show that the values of worship education are found in Surah Adz-Dzariyat verse 56, which contains the meaning that humans and jinn were created with the aim of worshiping Allah SWT. Surah Al-Hijr verse 99, contains the meaning that humans must always worship until death comes to them. Surah At-Taubah verse 31, which contains the meaning that it is not permissible to worship in this case following human words or arguments that are contrary to the Shari'a of Allah SWT. Surah Maryam verse 65, which contains the meaning of the concept of God-Servant, where God is the absolute ruler, and humans as servants must surrender to Him through worship, and this worship must be carried out with determination. Then the last surah Thaha verse 14, which contains the meaning to remember Allah SWT. through prayer, which implicitly, if carried out properly, will have an impact on five basic principles, namely hifzu al-Din, hifzu al-Nafs, hifzu al-Nasl, hifzu al-Mal, and hifzu al-Aql.

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