Tauhid Education Using Islamic Counseling at Man 2 Medan

Erwin Pinayungan Dasopang, Masrawati Pahutar, Imran Ariadi, Usman Abdi


This research is about Tauhid Development in MAN 2 Model Medan. Students with Islamic Counseling. This research seeks

 the success of applying Islamic counseling in fostering  onotheism in students. Starting from the planning, implementation and evaluation carried out by the counseling teacher with a purpose creating an atmosphere of Islamic guidance in order to achieve the best results possible. The research method used in this study is method qualitative research. Primary data sources are the Principal, Deputy Head

Schools, Counseling Teachers, field of study teachers and students of MAN 2 Model Medan. In collecting data, the method used are observation, interviews, and documents. In analyzing data, researchers used qualitative analysis with data exposure steps, data reduction and conclusion drawing. The results of the research are: (1) the planning of implementing Islamic counseling in fostering monotheism in students of the MAN 2 Model Medan has been carried out by the counseling teacher. (2) the implementation of the application of Islamic counseling in the development of monotheism in MAN 2 Model Medan students use forms of counseling services which include: orientation services, information services, placement and distribution services, learning services, individual counseling services, group guidance services, counseling services groups, mediation services and advisory services.


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