Fera Tamia, Kamaluddin Kamaluddin, Muhammad Nur Siregar


The aim of this research is to examine and analyze the texts of hadith in the Sahih Muslim collection regarding infectious diseases, through the hadiths written in this hadith book, Sahih Muslim. The goal is to obtain comprehensive and in-depth data and information about infectious diseases and how to protect oneself from them, as explained both in the book and by medical opinions. In this research, data collection is conducted through library research, utilizing literature relevant to the issue being studied. The hadiths collected in this thesis are obtained using the maudu'i method, which involves gathering hadiths related to the theme of infectious diseases. The collected data is then described using a historical approach and analyzed using content analysis methodology.


Hadith, Infectious Diseases, Sahih Muslim.‎

Full Text:



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An-Nawawi, Al-Minhaj, Syarah Shahih Muslim Ibnil Hajjaj, juz VII.‎

Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani, Badzlul Ma„un fi Fadhlit Tha„un, (Riyadh: Darul ‎Ashimah).‎

Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani, Fathul Bari bi Syarhi Shahihil Bukhari, Juz 10 (Kairo: ‎Darul Hadits, 2004 M/1424 H).‎

Imam An-Nawawi, Syarah Shahih Muslim, (Jakarta: Pustaka Azzam, 2011).‎

Imam Nawawi, Al-Minhaj bi Syarah Nawawi „ala Muslim, Bab Tha‟uni wa ‎Thiyarati wal Kahanati wa Nahwiha (Mekah: Afkar).‎

Imam Nawawi, al-Minhaj bi Syarah Shahih Muslim, trj. Amir Hamzah, Bab ‎Tha‟uni wa Thiyarati wal Kahanati wa Nahwiha, (Jakarta Selatan: Pustaka ‎Azzam, 2011).‎

Koes Irianto, Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular & Tidak Menular Panduan Klinis, ‎‎(Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta Bandung, 2013).‎

M. Quraish Shihab, Wawasan al - Qur‟an Tafsir Maudhu‟i atas Perbagai Persoalan ‎Umat (Bandung: Mizan, 2001).‎

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.51900/ushuluddin.v19i1.22490


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