Job Prospects of Generation Z in the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045: Systematic Literature Review

Enita Indramayani Gaja



This study aims to evaluate the employment prospects of Generation Z in the context of the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045, considering the upcoming approach to the peak of the demographic dividend and the labor market transformation triggered by technological advancements and globalization. Using a systematic literature review method, this study examines how current education and employment policies can be adjusted to prepare Generation Z for the changing labor market dynamics. The main focus is on the need to integrate relevant and responsive education, such as STEM-based education and analytical skills development, to support their readiness in a knowledge and innovation-based economy. The results show that while there are significant opportunities for Generation Z to contribute to national economic growth, there are substantial challenges related to skills gaps and labor market preparation. This study suggests the need for deep education reform and proactive government policies to create quality and sustainable jobs. This includes increasing collaboration between government, industry, and educational institutions to ensure that education policies and curricula can meet the needs of future industries, enabling Indonesia to harness the full potential of the demographic dividend and achieve the goals of the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045.

Keywords: Job Prospects, Generation Z, Golden Indonesia, SLR

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