Exploring Food Waste Behavior In Generation Z Muslims In Medan: Implications For Purchasing Behavior
Food waste receives enormous attention because it has an impact on environmental, social and economic aspects. Most of these problems stem from food shopping behavior. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of generation Z motivation in the city of Medan in reducing leftover food on generation Z's shopping behavior and Islamic integration. The population in this study was the entire generation Z community in Medan and the sample used was 100 respondents. The data analysis method uses a simple linear regression test and an independent test of the t-Test sample. The results showed that generation Z having the motivation to prevent food wastage would contribute to well-planned food shopping behavior. In addition, the study also showed that generation Z women showed higher motivation in preventing food wastage as reported in several previous studies that reported similar results. In Islam, a simple attitude and feeling enough (qana‟ah) to avoid redundant behavior is found in QS. Al-Isra 26-27.
Keywords: food wastage, food waste prevention, food shopping behavior
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