Development of Islamic Boarding School-Based People's Economy in Indonesia (Opportunities and Challenges)
Examining Islamic boarding schools in connection to socio-economic improvement could be a discourse that remains interesting, even vital within the current setting within the middle of financial improvement, both nearby and universal. Pesantren are seen as competent of being one of the arrangements in creating a community-based economy. The reason of this consider is to analyze the openings and challenges of Islamic boarding schools as an critical portion of the people's economy. This investigate may be a writing think about inquire about that employments a subjective clear approach. This ponder found that the financial exercises of Islamic boarding schools at the starting of their objective for regulation autonomy have gotten to be a huge capital that's exceptionally potential to be created for the financial strengthening of the individuals. Vital steps must be taken by Islamic boarding schools in creating the financial freedom of Islamic boarding schools and financial strengthening of the community or individuals.
Keywords: Development of Islamic Boarding School, Economy, Opportunities and Challenges
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