Agung Wibowo, Amanda Putri Salsabila, Putri Safa Aulia Lubis, Tri Inda Fadhila Rahma, Purnama Ramadhani Silalahi


The research is a qualitative study using secondary data derived from the Central Statistical Agency's report, in particular on the economic growth of both the national and North Sumatra region in 2012-2023 and the Financial Services Authority report on the development of the country's subsidiaries in 2013-2023, as well as data from the report of the Ministry of Finance on subsidiary developments in Indonesia, APBN allocation data for infrastructure, and allocation and realization data of projects financed by the Shariah State Securities Fund both national and in North sumatra in 2002-2023.The result of this research is that the role of the tribe in infrastructure development in Indonesia is very significant. It can be seen from 2013 to 2023, has supported the construction of 5.163 projects with a total allocation of Rp. 209.82 trillion in 38 provinces in Indonesia. As for the projects financed through the state sharia securities, 699 projects of road and bridge infrastructure worth Rp 73,37 trillion, 749 projects of water resources infrastructure of Rp 36,62 trillions, 217 projects of land, sea, and air transportation infrastructure and budgeted for Rp 61,01 trillione. Then as many as 286 projects of infrastructures and social services were financed by the state Sharia security, such as the Hajj embarkation and Hajj and Integrated Umrah Service Centre (PLHUT) worth Rp.3,71 In the field of education and technological research, the state's sharia bills have funded various strategic projects, among others, 23 laboratory projects and technology research facilities worth Rp 3,37 trillion, 1,139 projects of state Islamic religious colleges (PTKIN) worth Rp. 14.75 trillions, 90 projects of PTN buildings, one high school, four SMKs, one diklat hall, and three LLDikti worth Rp 8.75 trilion. Shukuk's role in infrastructure development in North Sumatra Province is very good in helping the region, so it does not burden the province's APBD too much. Among the infrastructure projects funded by Sukuk are the revitalization of Haji Medan Asrama, the development of the on/off Flyover Amplas Medan Ramp, the UIN SU (State Islamic University of North Sumatra), the Amplas Field Terminal and the A-type terminal of Tanjung Pinggir Pematang Siantar. Keywords: Sukuk, SBSN, Preliminary Infrastructure

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