Asbullah Harahap, Muhammad Muhammad, Khairina Tambunan, Syahruna Fitri, Fatimah Zahrah Harahap, Hunny Luthpiah Basri, Syafita Khairunnisa


Toko Mulia Rattan is a service company in Medan City that focuses on rattan crafts. They often experience quality problems in their production process. To overcome this, they use the Statistical Process Control (SPC) Method to analyze the causes of defects in products and production processes. The goal of SPC is to find the root cause of defects in order to improve product quality. They carry out quality control analysis using statistical tools such as Check Sheets, Control Charts, Pareto Diagrams, and Cause and Effect Diagrams. The research results show that the use of SPC has met quality standards and significantly reduced damage or rejected products. In 2023, there will be a significant reduction in the types of damage which are dominated by Easily Detached Leather, Rattan Thickness, Wrong Color, and Broken Books. This indicates improvements in the production process that produce better results. The first steps in improving quality are statistical analysis of production quality control, starting with creating check sheets, control charts using Microsoft Excel, Pareto diagrams based on primary data, and cause and effect diagrams based on interviews to identify causal factors such as human factors, machines, materials and work methods. Next, they provide recommendations or proposed actions to improve quality. Keywords:Product Quality, Quality Control, Statistical Process Control (SPC)

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