Online Sales Analysis Through Marpoken Delivery And Suru-Suru All Services Delivery To Increase Turnover (Study On Culinary Traders In Pasar Baru Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal District)

Maisaroh Maisaroh, Zuhrinal M. Nawawi, Atika Atika, Rifki Maulana, Rizki Ramadhan Tanjung, Eprimanta Simarmata, Ilham Akbar


This research aims to analyze online sales through Marpoken Delivery and Suru-Suru All Delivery services towards increasing turnover for culinary traders in Pasar Baru Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach using primary and secondary data taken from traders who use Marpoken Delivery and Suru-Suru All Delivery services, and from owners of Marpoken Deliveryand SuruSuru All Delivery services. The data collection technique in this research uses interview techniques and the analysis technique used is non-statistical analysis techniques. Based on data analysis, the research results show that the existence of Marpoken Delivery and Suru-Suru All Delivery for traders at Pasar Baru Panyabungan can make it easier for online traders to market their products. The existence of this application has proven to be able to help culinary entrepreneurs increase their turnover. Factors that influence traders in choosing the Marpoken Delivery and Suru-Suru All Delivery applications at Pasar Baru Panyabungan are being able to expand the target market, being able to increase sales turnover and being able to reduce operational costs in shipping/delivery. The contribution of Marpoken Delivery and Suru- Suru All Delivery in helping business competition for traders in Pasar Baru Pasambungan gets different turnover results for each trader in Pasar Baru Kec. Connections. Keywords: Increased Turnover, Online Sales.

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International Conference of Islamic Economics, Business, Social and Tourism Development (ICONIBUST) by Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam