Syamsu Nahar


Today, the development of Madrasa Aliyah Laboratory (MAL) which is under the auspices of the State Islamic University (UIN SU) North Sumatra is still not a pillar of Islamic aqeedah planting institution. This is a challenge, as well as an opportunity to get answers to these problems. This type of qualitative research was carried out by describing the development, transformation process, and the important role of MAL in UIN SU. The data collection techniques were documentation, survey, and interviews. The data were analyzed by the concept of Miles & Hubermen. The findings obtained that MAL is a very strategic place to instill Islamic aqeedah and in the same time is a place for lecturers to explore new ideas related to emerging technologies in the world of education, especially Islamic Education.

Keyword: Islamic Education, Islamic Aqeedah, Transformation. 

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