Safriadi Safriadi, Siti Patimah


the success of madrasa in improving the quality of education contributes to improve the quality of national education. However, it is realized that in carrying out these efforts is inseparable from various problems, one of the problems faced by madrasa today is the quality of education is still not as expected. Although the development of madrasa has been quite encouraging, in terms of quality and sources of funding is still low. This paper aims to analyze the potential sources of madrasa financing, then provide recommendations to madrasa to creatively find sources of education funding through optimizing the role of the community. The analytical method used in this study is a descriptive-analytical method, combined with a concept study approach and interpretive analysis in the form of a critical thought pattern for later synthesis to produce a conclusion. Based on the results of the conceptual analysis and study, and the condition of madrasah today, there are several strategic steps that could be considered in optimizing the role of the community to improve the quality of madrasa education through financing community-based education by applying the principles of transparency, internal-external accountability, and world-hereafter accountability. The application of these principles would encourage public participation in madrasa through zakat, infaq, sadakah and waqf. This funding source, if managed with good management, would be able to improve the quality of education in madrasa.
Keyword: Community Based, Madrasa Financing.

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