Guidance and counseling is an assistance given to individuals to solve
problems that occur in the community. Mental health is a condition that allows a person's physical, intellectual, and emotional to develop. People who undergo criminal proceedings at the investigation level experience mental/psychological pressure. Communities undergoing legal proceedings at the level of investigation as a whole need guidance and counseling. This article aims to know the mentality of people undergoing criminal legal proceedings at the investigation level; to know the level of guidance and counseling needs for people who are undergoing criminal investigation proceedings at the level of mental health development; and to find out what the community needs when undergoing legal proceedings related to health mentally. This research was a library research, namely by collecting data sourced from books and supporting documents such as newspapers, magazines and other literature. The results of this study are that people who undergo criminal proceedings at the investigation level experience mental and psychological disturbances and pressures requiring counseling guidance but there are no rules in the Republic of Indonesia (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) governing the permissibility and guidance of the community who carry out criminal legal processes.
Keyword: Counseling Guidance, Mental Health, Society.
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