Abd Rahman, Fakhruddin Fakhruddin, Mesiono Mesiono


Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the Tahfiz Quran learning program in the Integrated Islamic Elementary School SDIT DOD Deli Serdang through one aspect of the evaluation of the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process and Product), which is focused on the context of the program. The core question related to the context of the Tahfiz Qur’an learning program at SDIT DOD Deli Serdang is how the environment, needs and objectives of the Tahfiz Quran learning program are. This research applied qualitative methods, data were collected by interview, observation, and study documents with evaluation analysis. The results of the study were that the environment of Tahfiz Qur’an learning program, both the school environment starting from foundations, principals, teachers and employees, and students, as well as the environment of students' parents and the surrounding community who do not send their children to school in SDIT DOD Deli Serdang supports the Tahfiz Qur’an learning program in SDIT DOD Deli Serdang. Regarding the needs of Tahfiz Qur’an learning program at SDIT DOD Deli Serdang, both the background of the need for organizing the Tahfiz Qur’an learning program, the material to be taught in the Tahfiz Quran program, teachers, students, and the cost or budget as the needs of organizing the Tahfiz Qur’an program in SDIT DOD Deli Serdang concluded that the Tahfiz Qur’an program at SDIT DOD Deli Serdang is needed. Associated with the objectives of the Tahfiz Qur’an learning program, three main objectives were found, namely the Qur’an competency, good character and good deeds. From the results of the study it could be recommended that the Tahfiz Qur’an learning program related to the context of the program can be continued.
Keyword: Context Evalution, Tahfiz Quran, Learning Program.

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