Budi Suemdi


This study aims to find out and emphasize: (1) the positive and significant
contribution of the application of learning methods to Jurisprudence
learning outcomes, (2) the positive and significant contribution of learning
activities to Jurisprudence learning outcomes, and (3) the positive and
significant contribution of the application of learning methods and
activities learn together about the results of Jurisprudence learning. This
research is quantitative research with correlation research methods. The
population in this study were all students of class VIII consisting of 6
classes with a total of 172. Samples totaling 35% of students totaling 205 is
71.75 were rounded up to 72 students taken randomly. The data collection
instruments used were questionnaires and tests. The data analysis used is
correlation and regression. The research findings show: (1) there are
positive and significant contributions between the application of learning
methods and learning outcomes with a correlation number 0.354 with the
regression line equation Ŷ = 71.60 + 0.23X1, (2) there are positive and
significant contributions between learning activities and outcomes study
with a correlation number of 0.473 with the regression line equation Ŷ =
68.96 + 0.28X2. and (3) there are positive and significant contributions
between the application of learning methods and learning activities with
learning outcomes with a correlation number of 0.549 with the regression
line equation Ŷ = 138.80 + 0.18X1 + 0.25X2. Effective contribution of the
variable of the application of learning methods to learning outcomes is
9.90%, while the effective contribution of the learning activity variable to
learning outcomes is 20.00%


Learning Methods, Learning Activities and Learning Outcomes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30821/ansiru.v3i1.5487


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