activities with student learning outcomes in the field of study Tahfiz Al-
Qur'an in MTs. Darul Qur'an Deli Serdang Regency. This research is
proposed by testing three hypotheses, namely First: There is a relationship of learning activities with student learning outcomes in the field of study Tahfiz Al-Qur'an in MTs. Darul Qur'an Deli Serdang Regency. Second, there is a relationship of learning motivation with student learning
outcomes of tahfiz Qur'an in MTs. Darul Qur'an Deli Serdang Regency.
Third, there is a relationship of learning activities and motivation with
student learning outcomes in the field of study Tahfiz Al-Qur'an in MTs.
Darul Qur'an Deli Serdang Regency.The population of this study were
students of MTs. Darul Qur'an academic year 2017/2018 amounted to 176
people. The technique used to determine the sample size is Arikunto
formula. By using the formula, the sample is 30 students. Data collection
for learning activity variables and learning motivation in this study using
a questionnaire with Likert model scale. While for the variable of student
learning result of data collecting obtained from document of raport value.
Based on the test results on the reliability of these two questionnaire
variables obtained the coefficient of reliability as follows: learning activity
variables 0,939 and, Learning motivation variables 0,986. The result of first hypothesis analysis by using correlation technique and regression either simple or multiple obtained ry.1 = 0,392, while R2 y.1 = 0,154. This means that the relationship shown by the variable learning activities with student learning outcomes is strong and very significant. Regression analysis obtained by the equation of simple regression line is Ý = 37,77 + 0.46X1.
Results of the second hypothesis analysis show that ry.2 = 0,405., While R2 y.2 = 0,164. This means that the relationship shown by the variable
motivation to learn with student learning outcomes is strong and very
significant. Regression analysis obtained by the equation of simple
regression line is Ý = 41,29 + 0,18X2. While the third hypothesis shows that ry1.2.3 = 0,501., While Ry1.2.3 = 0,252. Through regression analysis we get the equation of multiple regression line is Ý = 50,42 + 0,36X1 + 0,15X2.
Full Text:
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