MAQASID SYARI’AH DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP (Bahtsul Masa’il Sebagai Perlawanan Kaum Santri Terhadap Eksploitasi Pertambangan Emas di Silo Jember)

Muhammad Ramadhan


Abstract: Nature is something that encompasses everything that exists on this earth naturally whether
living or not, the worsening of the natural conditions requires humans to continue to preserve it, especially
on the environment. environmental preservation is a matter of necessity for humans who are given
the title of God as the caliph of the ard, so it is necessary to maintain cosmosentris human intervention.
This paper is a paper through library research (Field Research) and field (Field Research), the theme
raised is the shariah maqasid and the environment: bahtsul masa’il as the resistance of the students
against the exploitation of gold mining in Silo Jember. There are three questions in this paper. First,
what is the concept of Maqasid Shari’ah in protecting the environment? second, what are the views of
ulama ‘and santri towards the exploitation of gold mining in Silo? third, what is the impact of the
contribution of Ulama and santri views in the bahsul masail on the silo community related to gold
mining? by using descriptive analytical methods the results of this paper are, first, to know the concept
of maqasid shari’ah in the environment. secondly, knowing the opinions of ulama ‘and santri on the
exploitation of gold mining in Silo village. third, provide a Sharia legal footing to the Silo community
towards Gold Mining in the village of Silo, Jember Regency.
Key Word : Mining Gold, Maqashid Syariah, Silo, Jember

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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara