Muhaini, Muhaini


Abstract: The educational trend for modern society is based on science and technology to achieve
success for the future, so the excellent schools to be a very appropriate choice, SMA Negeri Unggul
Kabupaten Aceh Timur is one of the excellent school. The school puts more emphasis on scientific
disciplines, the observable fact, and it can only be proved empirically. The unreal and unseen are
rejected as scientific knowledge. This research aims to determine the background, model and the opportunities
as well as challenges in the implementation of integration in SMAN Unggul Kabupaten Aceh Timur. It is
a kind of qualitative research with a view to understanding the education system that runs in the school.
Researcher himself became an instrument in this research. Data and information in the field become
the main requirement in data processing.The study found that dialogical didactic was the model implemented
at SMAN Unggul through the curriculum 13 approach, and the teachers were aware of the dichotomies
of the disciplines. They were able to integrate the science and the divinity into the sub-theme in the
classroom instruction. The curriculum 13 sets the main and basic competence that leads to the realization
of God, the Almighty and at the same time serves as the goal of national education. In addition, the
study revealed the strong internalization of Islamic values in extra-curricular activities carried out through
the traditional Islamic educational system (dayah), the commemoration of Islamic festivals, the archery
sport and other activities. In short, the educational system at SMAN Unggul is a public school featuring
Islamic school characteristics.
Kata Kunci: Model, Integrasi dan Desain Sekolah Negeri Unggul

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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara