Evi Febriani, Nurilah Zahirotin, Pupita Maharani, Radhita Sabrina Filzah, Peni Okti Yani, Pika` Nurmala


For those who study and believe in the Qur'an, the sacred book  of  Muslims,  the  divine  revelations  found  within provide  guidance,  instruction,  and  educational  resources. As  mentioned  in  QS.  al-Jumu'ah  verses  1–5,  the  Qur'an, which  forms  the  foundation  of  Islamic  teachings,  has several  qualities,  one  of  which  is  the  importance  of education.  In  many  schools  today,  the  Qur'an  and  the sunnah are not the primary sources of knowledge. Because the  Islamic  aim  of  education  has  not  been  fully  realized, students  have  a  tendency  to  become  materialistic  and distant from high principles. Thus, the goal of this research is to examine the educational principles included in verses 1–5  of  QS.  al-Jumu’ah  and  ascertain  the  mufasirs’ perspectives  on  these  principles.  Similar  to  library research,  this  study  employs  a  qualitative  technique  and applies the tafsir tahlīlī and muqoron procedures to analyze the data. According to the study's findings, the six mufasirs examined interpreted QS. al-Jumu'ah verses 1–5 similarly, emphasizing  the  Prophet's  mission  to  educate  his  people, self-purification from Allah, and a parable for those who do not  put  their  knowledge  into  practice.  The  educational ideals  included  in  QS.  al-Jumu'ah  verses  1–5  include tawhid, worship, and morals.

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Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara